Additional fees apply for the undertaking and debriefing of the diagnostic tools

EQi  (Emotional Quotient Inventory) 

EQ-i is intended to help people better understand their emotional and social functioning.  A growing body of research suggests that Emotional Intelligence is a key determinant of success in life.  It is certainly a critical Leadership skill to possess and to continue evolving.   After completion of the EQ-I assessment, individuals will receive a comprehensive report that will help them explore their skills across many different areas.

The Total EQ measurement focuses on 5 domains:

  • Intrapersonal
  • Interpersonal
  • Stress Management
  • Adaptability
  • General Mood

Genos EQ Assessments

The Genos model comprises a set of emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour competencies.  The 6 emotionally intelligent leadership competencies of the Genos model capture the skills and behaviours that manifest from emotional intelligence abilities.

The Genos Model focuses on the following 6 core skills:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Awareness of Others
  • Authenticity
  • Emotional Reasoning
  • Self- Management
  • Positive Influence

DiSC Personality Profiling

DiSC is the leading personal assessment tool used by over 1 million people every year to improve work productivity, team work and communication.  DiSC profiles provide wonderful insights at both an individual and a team level and help Leaders understand the dynamics and requirements of their interactions.

DiSC profiles help you and your team to:

  • Increase your self knowledge and how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress and how you solve problems
  • Improve working relationships by recognising the communication needs of team members
  • Facilitate better teamwork and teach productive conflict
  • Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles
  • Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

MBTI is considered to be a valid and reliable tool in identifying  the way an individual prefers to use their perception and judgement.  MBTI  has been in existence for over 40 years and is an assessment that will identify and describe your distinct personality type from 16 personality type options.  Understanding your personality type and being able to identify the personality type within your team will allow you to approach your work in a manner that suits your personality style and to flex your style to best adapt to the other persons personality style. 

The MBTI focuses on the following personality preferences:

  • Introversion V’s Extroversion
  • Sensing V’s Intuition
  • Thinking V’s Feeling
  • Judging V’s Perceiving

HBDI (Herman Brain Dominance Instrument)

The  HBDI is a psychometric assessment that assesses the degree to which we think in the four quadrants of the Whole Brain Model – Analytical, Experimental, Relational and Practical. The assessment is based on the axis of intuitive V’s Rational and Intellectual V’s Instinctive.

The assessment will evaluate and describe the degree of preference you have for thinking in each of the four thinking quadrants and will help you adapt your thinking preference to communication effectively and also improve decision making and problem solving.

Hogan 360o;

The Hogan 360o assessment, is a multi-rater feedback tool to help individuals and leaders at any level gain a better understanding of how they are perceived in the organization by managers, peers, direct reports, and others. 

The Hogan 360o  assessment, measures reputation by comparing self-assigned ratings against those from those listed above. The assessment also benchmarks your scores on each competency against other managers, and highlights strengths and opportunities for development. 

Being Profile

The Being Profile measures the fundamental aspects of a human being that makes us distinctly different from each other.  Qualities such as Authenticity, Integrity, Responsibility, Empowerment amongst others.  These aspects also correlate directly to our performance and the results we produce in may areas of our lives.

The Being Profile is substantially different from personality tests as it is based on modelling the reality of who we are and how that impact our performance rather than any theory including Personality Theory. The Being Profile creates a powerful access for paradigm shifts in performance and productivity in every area of live and work.

Human Synergistics - Life Styles Inventory, Organisational Culture Inventory & Group Styles Inventory

Human Synergistics is the world’s most popular and extensively used series of diagnostic tools in leadership and organisational culture development. Since 1971, more than 1 million profiles have been prepared worldwide.  In Australia, more than 2500 businesses have used the Human Synergistics tools and more than 100,000 Australians have been profiled. 

Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is an individual assessment that reveals participants thinking styles and behaviour, plotted onto a colour coded circumplex comprising 12 behavioural styles.  LSI can be completed as a self-assessment, but is also designed to enable assessment by others, creating a 360-degree behavioural assessment, which is an ideal entry point for those commencing personal effectiveness coaching programs.  Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI) uses the circumplex to plot the actual and desired cultural behaviours across groups and organisations, through cultural assessment diagnostics.  The format is similar to LSI, but measures culture at group and organisational level.  OCI is the pre-eminent tool for business serious about improving culture. The report produced provides a comprehensive action roadmap and has proved instrumental is guiding the way for thousands of cultural turnarounds worldwide.

Group Styles Inventory (GSI) is a team-based diagnostic, that enables facilitated assessment of team effectiveness, using the 12 behavioural styles of the circumplex.  It is useful for teams who are already familiar with LSI or OCI, as it applies the same language.  Teams undertake group problem solving exercises under the observation of an accredited specialist, who debriefs the group at the conclusion of the exercises, offering insight into the individual and group behaviours which were evident to the trained eye.  Group development plans are prepared by the teams to conclude the half day exercise. 

Action Logic via the Leadership Development Profile (LDP) 

As we learn and amass experiences, we evolve and change. Over time we understand ourselves and the world around us in different and more sophisticated ways, providing us with the tools to be more effective and impactful in every facet of our lives.  This evolution is well researched. It is known as Action Logic.  Action Logics are powerful and predictable frameworks, typically able to be profiled into one of seven stages of development. Action Logics do not describe behaviour, but reveal how an individual constructs meaning from, or makes sense of the world around them. It is therefore a good predictor of behaviour, as each of the Action Logic stages has typical behaviour associated with it.  As we learn and grow, most adults move through several Action Logics during their life and regression can occur.

The Action Logics are presented in the Leadership Development Framework (LDP). Each LDP profile is prepared and peer reviewed by psychologists who analyse a series of a sentence completions, undertaken on-line by participants.  LDP profiles must be debriefed by an accredited specialist, who provides participants with a personalised report, comprising profile description and coaching notes relevant to the profile presented.  This program is facilitated by Australia’s only advanced LDP practitioner.  He provides a 90-minute one-on-one debrief and handover of completed profiles to each participant. 

TMS (Team Management Profile) 

The personal Team Management Profile highlights an individual's major and two related areas of work preferences on the Margerison-McCann Team Management Wheel. Work preferences are explored in terms of:

  • How an individual prefers to relate to others
  • How an individual gathers and uses information
  • How an individual makes decisions
  • How an individual organizes themselves and others

The report will identify your style from the following profiles:

  • Reporter-Adviser (Supporter, helper, tolerant; A collector of information; Dislikes being rushed; Knowledgeable; Flexible)
  • Creator-Innovator (Imaginative; Future-oriented; Enjoys complexity; Creative; Likes research work)
  • Explorer-Promoter (Persuader, "seller"; Likes varied, exciting, stimulating work; Easily bored; Influential and outgoing)
  • Assessor-Developer (Analytical and objective; Developer of ideas; Enjoys prototype or project work; Experimenter)
  • Thruster-Organizer (Organizes and implements; Quick to decide; Results-oriented; Sets up systems; Analytical)
  • Concluder-Producer (Practical; Production-oriented; Likes schedules and plans; Pride in reproducing goods and services; Values effectiveness and efficiency)
  • Controller-Inspector (Strong on control; Detail-oriented; Low need for people contact; An inspector of standards and procedures)
  • Upholder-Maintainer (Conservative, loyal, supportive; Personal values important; Strong sense of right and wrong; Work motivation based on purpose)

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