What would it mean to have your whole team on the same wave length, working harmoniously together, encouraging, supporting and keeping each other accountable?
The Agile Leadership Coaching program is the key! It’s a great way to unite your Leadership team and give them some solid strategies to positively impact team dynamics and drastically improve interpersonal relationships.
The program is very pointed and strikes deep into the core of the teams Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Communication and Individual Personalities. Imagine your team having a true understanding of their fellow team members communication and behaviour styles…. that’s when the congruence happens and high performing teams thrive.
This program is a combination of group coaching, one on one coaching, out of session activities, a group debrief session and a video series to support program learnings.
The program duration is 60 days and consists of fortnightly group coaching sessions, one on one coaching to debrief on self-assessments and a group coaching debrief session to discuss assessment results and how the team can cultivate the data to create better outcomes. In addition to Coach support, you will have access to an amazing suite of videos to open up your neural pathways to new possibilities and opportunities.
Duration: 60 days
Cost: POA
Group coaching is suitable for management and leadership teams
Training enquiries
1300 55 66 77 option 3 and ask for Training
Members with a Workplace enquiry can call the Workplace Advice Line
1300 55 66 77 and press option 1
(Overseas: +61 3 9867 0100)
Weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm
(Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time)